Friday, February 4, 2011

WTF O.B. Tampons II

As of Feb. 3rd the website for OB tampons had this to say, "To our valued customers: We are pleased to confirm that o.b.® tampons are increasingly in-stock at more stores nation-wide and several online retailers."

I won't believe it until I see it. Furthermore, seeing as though Johnson and Johnson hasn't explained why the only mainstream non-applicator brand tampons disappeared; I am now going to do everything I can to NOT buy OB tampons.

Between horror stories of Toxic Shock Syndrome, fiberglass in tampons (to hold shape) and all of the other unknowns that make you think about the truth of what may be in the cotton wad you are inserting inside yourself, do you really want to go back to using a product that pulled a Houdini?

Now, there are of course natural alternatives to all kinds of tampons. The Diva Cup is becoming more and more popular and if you are concerned about additives to tampons you could also use sea sponges.

I have been quite happy using Natracare tampons which is the organic version of OB but it seems like now may be the time to continue living without OB and try out the alternatives to all tampons.

Without any explanation or warning about the tampon crisis of 2010-2011, I am certainly not jumping up and spending my money on Johnson and Johnson products. Sorry OB, I learned to live without you.

1 comment:

  1. Diva cup is worth every penny. It's cheaper than tampons in the long run, and it doesn't cause that awful weird "I've just put a wad of cotton someplace I shouldn't" feeling.
