Thursday, February 17, 2011

They Give Horses Contraceptives Don't They?

In the same week that the GOP proposed a bill to eliminate Title X, THE ONLY federally funded program which provides family planning options, another proposed bill having to do with tax payer bought contraceptives has come to light.

Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) introduced the amendment, which would control the population of wild horses and burros as an alternative to the costly practice of capturing the animals and holding them in pens, which the Bureau of Land Management currently employs*

So it's okay for the government to pay for contraceptives for horses because they want to save money on having to provide for said horses. In fact, the fate of herds of wild horses has never crossed my mind when thinking about contraceptives at all.

I'm not saying that the overpopulation of wild horses is something we shouldn't care about or that the way the herds are handled now are all that terrific. I don't know enough about the situation. What I'm saying is that it is sickening that the same people who would advocate taking away tax payer funding for all types of reproductive health care (not just birth control)are ready to offer up federally funded birth control to HORSES before they can offer the same courtesy to women.

I am getting more and terrified everyday.

*Read more:

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