Thursday, November 25, 2010

Whats a Feminist to be thankful for?

It's a tough question. This year has been disheartening to say the least, what with the conservatives claiming the term "Mama Grizzlies" and Christine O'Donnell's existence. I worry everyday about the slow and sometimes not so slow erosion of what progress women have made so far. My own generation seems compliant to shrug off feminism in all its messy connotations and I myself think sometimes the harder I fight the more radical it seems to even say you're a feminist. I worry most when women conservatives talk about the women who have "hijacked" the term Feminist to mean equal rights, the right to choose, the right for safety and equal pay and the right to fight patriarchy; which is what Feminism is.

But, hopelessness is not productive and one has to believe that the movement for the rights of any oppressed group is always alive; sometimes just below the surface waiting for the spark that will ignite a collective consciousness to make actual change.

I am thankful that I was in a position to receive reproductive care when I needed it. I am thankful that I have had an education denied to so many other women just because of where they were born. I am thankful for the "right" to question authority, for the right to protest injustice and the hope that women will someday achieve the post feminist mentality when the current patriarchal society comes to an end.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bikini Barista

As the manager of a small busy coffee shop I have a plethora of stories about burning myself, spilling a latte down the front of my jeans and sticking a thermometer half an inch through my palm. These fun filled accidents all occurred while I was fully clothed and properly shod. Sorry to shock but in some places a fully covered coffee server apparently isn't a given anymore.

Besides the fact that scalding hot coffee and bare flesh don't mix; it seems that no area of service can be safe from the quick gimmick of putting women in a bikini. This current craze apparently started in Seattle (surprise) around 2007 and quickly spread to other west coast areas like L.A. and Washington State. These coffee shops are usually stand-alone shacks along roadsides or in parking lots, often noticeable for their signs and suggestive names - "some like it hot," for example at "Java Jugs."

This summer in Denver a coffee shop called "Perky Cups" drew boy cotters after the owner sent bikini clas women workers out into the shopping center that housed them. In Everett, Washington, several baristas were charged with flashing customers and striping while preparing drinks. One of the ideas behind these stands are to stand out amongst the tough competition with more traditional business models like Starbucks. These drive through shacks span a wide range of risque to down right disgusting. First of all, I am surprised that Health Inspectors or regulators have not pointed out the fact that walking around in a g-string making a latte with your long hair flowing down your back doesn't sound like a sanitary way to pull espresso shots. Far from the main point you should at the very least have your hair tied back.

Also, is it really believable that the same pick-up driving "gentlemen" pulling through the "Grab n Go" espresso stand would saunter into a Starbucks for their Au lait if not for the scantily clad female workers? I'm sure these girls are judged by the micro foam of their lattes and not the buoyancy of their upper halves.

I am not opposed to women choosing to work in the sex, stripping, pornography or adult industry if they are opting in by their complete free will. I wouldn't go so far as to say that its empowering but that is one of the reasons that I don't pursue a career in that field. I also, fortunately have a choice.I don't believe that women are so repressed as to be unable to make decisions for themselves but I do believe it is a product of supply and demand. As long as their are men who want their lattes, beer, liquor, rented movies, dry cleaning etc... served up by a barely dressed young lady, there will be women to fill those positions and make good money while working with minimal clothing. I don't believe those men are going anywhere anytime soon and I don't think the logic behind making money off of you looks from those who are willing to give can be entirely faulted.

Personally, as a barista, the idea of attracting customers by wearing a bikini makes me gag in the back of my throat. I don't think that the technical aspects of being a barista is rocket science but I do think you should buy your coffee based on taste not by the amount of flesh bared through a drive through window. Given that my trusty black tank top is the skimpiest thing I rock behind the counter, I am left to believe even in my case the new customers and regulars who don't quite look me in the eye when ordering (think lower) are there not just for the fair trade coffee. Of course, some do a better job at concealing that fact than others.

Coffee shops are one of the many places where creepy people ogle fully dressed female baristas. In the last three years I can count at least a dozen "creepers" who make transactions awkward and uncomfortable. Leering old men, assholes on their phones who literally throw money at you and sometimes ask the mind boggling question of "do you want to go out for coffee sometime?"

So boo bikini baristas, you're burning yourselves, irritating communities, getting treated like shit by some and mocked by others. Good luck with this ridiculous craze. I'm sure you're making great tips but I'd rather focus on serving great coffee.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fighting back (Hollaback NYC)

This international movement started in New York City in 2005. Started by a group of women who were sick of being verbally harassed on their way to work or walking home at night; Hollaback, an imperfect but productive and progressive forum was born.

Emily May, executive director of Hollaback! states in the groups testimony that: "when we walked on, we felt weak. When we yelled at the guys, the situation escalated, and the police didn’t care. The most common suggestion for dealing with it was to plug our heads with earphones and pretend it wasn’t happening. But something inside us told us this wasn’t enough—we wanted to share our stories".

Hollaback depends largely on mobile technology but has other options for telling your story and getting it posted if you aren't smart phone equipped. The "harassee" is encouraged to take a picture of the harasser and send it to the site along with a description of the incident. Some of the incidents seem mild and distasteful, some are seriously terrifying and upsetting. All in all the idea of "Hollaback" is one that seeks to empower women to stand up for themselves when possible and when not possible encourages them to write about the experience. The site explains that most types of harassment has nothing to do with sex, and everything to do with power.

Obviously as in most cases this site has a few questionable quirks to it. One being that they actively discourage describing the race of harassers. It is better explained through the FAQ's on the site but it seems that the idea is to keep the focus on historically marginalized groups such as women and LGBTQ individuals without replacing sexism with racism. I have mixed feelings about the outcome of this. Is the site really trying to prevent stereotypes and generalizations by asking writers to with hold statements on race? Does this feed into the already prevalent preconceived notions on the race and gender of those who harass women and LGBTQ individuals?

I still think that Hollaback! is headed mostly in the right direction. Exposing men who feel no shame in verbally, physically and psychologically damaging women is completely justified in my opinion. From my own experience I will share one recent incident. Going to the goodwill on a main street I passed two older men sitting on a bench outside. As I passed by I heard one say to the other "she has a nice big ass." Without pausing I turned around and promptly shouted "Fuck You." Passerbys looked at me and shook their heads. One of the men shouted back, "I'm homeless." I skipped my shopping trip that afternoon.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bitterness (Which backlash is this?)

The 2010 midterm elections have come and gone. The political backlash moves to the other side now. We are not safe from the tea party people, the scary Republican mama grizzlies, the even stranger Christine O'Donnell and we will never be safe from the psychotic Ann Coulter.

It's frustrating that 18-29 year old population vote the least, especially when this countries voters are so fickle. The word backlash doesn't even mean anything anymore. The actual election process is frighteningly predictable when it comes to who controls the house and the senate. It didn't take the entire first two years of Obamas term for his approval ratings to plummet. Thinking back, it must have obvious that the elation felt after his historical victory was going to disappear after awhile. The way that Obama rose to popularity hasn't changed his ability to fall from Americas graces.

The two party system does not allow for quick progress in any manner. Whenever we change from Democrat to Republican and then back to Republican to Democrats, is it not safe to say that the majority of time is spent trying to undo what the previous party accomplished? Fed up voters elect the man who will be blamed for doing nothing in six months because the last guy they put in office didn't accomplish anything.

Even the fact that America has still not had a women president is not as upsetting as it once was. Isn't the only way to get elected to become appealing to the largest amount of individuals possible thus eradicating any chance of making changes (radical or not) completely impossible? Hillary had to change her tune before she was seriously (arguably) considered as a nominee to run for President. You could never get elected into public office on a radical platform. Anything not fitting the status quo is dangerous. Okay, we passed a health care bill, super. Who did we inevitably have to sell out at the last minute in order to appease the conservatives? You got it, those damn abortion having liberals. Women are always last.

Hopefully this backlash will wake up those pacified liberals into taking back their victory. If you are doomed to failure to start with, maybe you should just go out swinging instead of inevitably conforming and selling out. Compromise is one thing but there really isn't very much that's open to discussion. There are those who believe in democracy and it sure beats the alternatives but sometimes I wonder if the short term memory doesn't have the capacity to think back more than two years at a time should we really be the ones choosing the individuals who we want to do nothing?