Mike Pence considers himself a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican, in that order.
Mike Pence penned the recent Pence amendment which aims to pull funding from Title X, the ONLY federally funded program that serves poor women in need of reproductive health services. Now, as intelligent people know, the Hyde amendment already prohibits federal money from going towards abortion services in all of its ridiculous and vague glory because what a women does to her own body is of national f^&*ing interest. But now, Mike Pence wants to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood period.
"What is more fiscally responsible than denying any and all funding to Planned Parenthood of America?" demanded Representative Mike Pence of Indiana.
There are so many things wrong with this question that I am going to assume it's rhetorical.
Interestingly enough, some words of reason come from the Rev. Tom Davis "It is always strange that many men, particularly religious men, seem to believe they know better than women how women should live."*
So, if Planned Parenthood doesn't use federal funding for abortion services, what more does the GOP want?
Mike Pence contends that the federal funding Planned Parenthood gets for other services frees up funding to cover abortions.
But WAIT, a white man from Texas has the answer:
"All Planned Parenthood has to do is say they're going to stop performing abortions," said GOP Rep. John Culberson of Texas. "And yet they won't do it.**
I'm terrified, and you should be to.
And if the above doesn't do it then maybe this will.
I didn't even know who Justin Bieber was until a few weeks ago but he has this to say about about the rights of women to decide what happens to their bodies: "I really don't believe in abortion," he revealed. "I think [an embryo] is a human. It's like killing a baby."
And while he thinks it's "really sad" for a woman to become pregnant after being raped, he noted that "everything happens for a reason"***
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