Friday, October 12, 2012

Girls "rape easy"

Todd Akin believes women can stop themselves from getting pregnant should they encounter a "legitimate rape" but state representative Rep. Roger Rivard has a different spin on sexual assault.

In an award winning display of male ignorance Rivard (R, Wisconsin) told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that, “some girls just rape easy” in an interview Wednesday.

Though the Milwaukee Journal only reported in the interview yesterday, Rivard actually made his controversial remark in December, when he talked to The Chetek Alert newspaper about the case of a 17-year-old high school student who was charged with sexual assault after having sex with an underage girl in the band room. The legal age of consent is 16 in Wisconsin.

What's worse and super awkward is the way he later stated that the remark was "taken kind of out context."

So what did he mean?

Well apparently his father was offering the Rep. some advice on the case and he meant to convey that if "you do (have premarital sex), just remember, consensual sex can turn into rape in an awful hurry."

"Because all of a sudden a young lady gets pregnant and the parents are madder than a wet hen and she's not going to say, 'Oh, yeah, I was part of the program.' All that she has to say or the parents have to say is it was rape because she's underage. And he just said, 'Remember, Roger, if you go down that road, some girls,' he said, 'they rape so easy,'" Rivard said.

Great advice Dad- on the up side we can hope that this spells the end of this politicians career as Republicans are jumping in line to withdraw support.

Some men...insert funny comment about the mighty falling so easily.

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