Monday, August 27, 2012

What RAPE? Methods of Conception don't change Paul Ryan

According to Paul Ryan abortion is never an acceptable option. But what about in the case of Rape?

Even the most pro-life of opinions will often make an exception for the instance of forced sex. Sure, women who get pregnant by someone other than a Rapist can lie in the bed they made themselves (umm...). Those women are sluts who can only blame themselves for their wanton behavior.

But Rapists are evil, horrible, disgusting half people and if a women becomes pregnant by a rapist the rhetoric quickly changes, right?

Well, enter Mr. VP Nominee himself, Paul Ryan. He says "I'm really proud of my pro-life record and um I've always adopted the position that the method of conception doesn't change the definition of life.

Method of conception...hmmmm. So he's saying that rape is a "method of conception." First of all we should alert Todd Akin who is of the mindset that women's bodies have super anti-pregnant sparkles that rain through their vaginas when being raped. Second of all we should ask Mr. Ryan to perhaps think before he says something so insensitive and offensive. Of course unless he can say first hand that he has been methoded of conceptioned?

Ryan does go on to point out that it is the President who makes policy and he is not the one on the Romney/Ryan ticket that is going for that particular gig.

Romney- out of state with his party members who aline their thinking with Akin and Ryan- would create policy that did allow the exception of rape victims from abortion bans.

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