Thursday, October 7, 2010

Women hating Women, (The A word part II)

If there was ever a time to be worried about your reproductive freedom the time is now.

If religion is your bases for your opinion on Abortion then you need to factor in two things.

Number one, separation of Church and State. Your religion can guide your political opinion and give you your political affiliation however, not if your religion takes away the personal physical rights of another good old American human being. You have freedom of religion, an extended right upon being an American citizen (at least for now). What anyone else does with their uterus is absolutely none of your fucking business. There are a lot more women who get an abortion than those who make up the self proclaimed "Anti-Life" population. You think it's murder? Fine, don't have one. You think it's taking one of Gods precious angels? Fine. Say a prayer for me. You don't want your tax dollars to go toward a foreigners life saving abortion in Sub Saharan Africa? I don't want my tax dollars going toward military campaigns killing civilians in Afghanistan that I have nothing against.


If you are against legal abortion then you are for the death of women by botched abortions. There have always been and will always be unwanted pregnancies. Take away safe abortions because you think it is murder and you sign the death warrant of countless women who will not be ruled by their reproductive organs. If women who choose themselves over their unborn fetus deserve the risk of death than the "pro-life" movement has an inherent conundrum. Worry about the babies who are born into crippling poverty and inadequate care. The quality of life doesn't matter at all to the pro-life, just that they enforce their way of life on others.

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