Monday, March 14, 2011

Saturday 3/19 Boston Commons 12-1pm

Call Scott Brown and tell him what's up.


We don't know exactly how he's going to vote but when I got his blanket response e-mail to all of my messages it said something like "blah blah women abortion between her and the doctor blah blah, I don't believe in fed. funding blah."

Actually it stated:

"It is my belief that we can and should provide women with family planning services. This has the potential to not only reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, but also abortions. Ultimately, I believe that abortion is a very personal issue and the questions that it raises are ones that rest with a woman, her family and her physician. However, I am opposed to the use of taxpayer dollars to provide or pay for abortions."

So if your family and your doctor take a vote you may be able to answer the abortion question for yourself.

Federal Funding for abortion is already banned. Hyde Amendment. Read it.

Join PPLM this Saturday to reiterate to Senator Brown that only Women, not the government or doctors or your family or your senator has any business chiming in on your reproductive choices. We are here now and our rights supersede those of fetuses.

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