Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Gee look at the time, 1984 already

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." George Orwell, "1984."

Alternative Facts?

Sunday, November 20, 2016


The more things change the more they stay the same. Trump was elected President and though it's been almost two weeks since the election the Earth is still spinning- at least for now.

Though Clinton won the popular vote by over 1.1 million, Trump won key swing states like Pennsylvania, Florida and Wisconsin which led him to get the 270 required electoral votes needed to become president elect.

The second Trump won the election the instances of harassment and hate crimes across the nation soared.

Trumps appointments are horrible and include the exact people that he said he would kick out of politics. Stephen Bannon who was head of the ultra-conservative, racist and sexist website Breitbart news has been appointed chief strategist and senior advisor. Jeff Sessions who is a Senator from Alabama has been appointed Attorney General though comments he made decades ago on race kept him from winning a nomination to a federal judgeship. The National security advisor appointment goes to General Michael Flynn who was relieved of his former position in intelligence because of his combative style and has been a strong opponent of President Obama as well as Muslims in general.

Our future looks bleak.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Version 2.0

A few months ago I decided to start up my blog version 2.0 through Word Press. How's it going you ask? Well, not great. I miss blogger. Not only is blogger a simpler and more straight forward template, blogger was also easier to figure out. I managed to develop my blogger site through my own research as well as trial and error. The challenge continues.

So if you'd like to keep following me or seeing what I am up to head to:framedeve.com

Happy reading.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The "Reversible" Abortion

Freedom of speech is a crucial aspect of the American way of life. Enshrined as a guaranteed right in our constitution, freedom of speech allows individuals great leeway in stating information that may or may not be true. Case in point:

Recently, Arizona Governor signed into law senate bill 1318 that requires physicians performing an abortion to inform the woman “it may be possible to reverse the effects of a medical abortion.”

The method itself is still strictly experimental. Doctors and advocates say it is not responsible to present women with the option. Noted anti-abortion physician Dr. George Delgado has pioneered the method with a case study of six women- (click here)and claims that this is enough evidence to tote the method as a "reversal" of the effects of the abortion pill. Dr. Delgado started a website explaining his method because, he said, women were not being told by their abortion providers that it was an option.

Women do not change their minds about taking mifepristone very often, not to say that it never happens but it is a rare occurrence. This is due to the fact that nearly all women who receive mifepristone have already determined that they want to terminate their pregnancy. In any legitimate clinical setting a women who is unsure about ending a pregnancy will be sent away and not given either medication until she is confident in her decision.

The process of a medication abortion involves taking two separate medications- first mifepristone is given buccally to the patient in a clinic with the supervision of a clinician. This medication stops progesterone production which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue and thus ends the development of the fetus. The second medication is taken 24-48 hours after the initial mifepristone is ingested and this medication, misopristol, causes the uterus to contract thus emptying the contents of the uterus through passing the tissue vaginally.

Dr. Delgado claims that the effects of mifepristone can be "reversed" based on an experimental treatment that involves an injection of progesterone, the hormone that helps maintain pregnancy. The theory is that if the woman changes her mind after the first drug, the extra progesterone could undo its effects. As I mentioned above, the science behind these claims is based on minimal research. Dr. Delgado also uses research done on ANIMALS as further evidence of the validity of his theory.

What cannot be argued however, is that no where near enough research has actually been done in order for this theory to become a safe and regulated medical practice. To offer this "junk science" as mandatory information is not only irresponsible but flat out stupid. The medical community supporting this and more over the politicians involved in passing this bill should be ashamed of themselves, women deserve better.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pro-life, Just Not Your Life

Here we are at the end of September and I nearly let the whole month go by without writing a single blog entry. I believe I would have let that happen had I not stumbled upon a headline today on my facebook feed entitled "Women Who Have Abortions Should be Hanged."

Yes, you read that correctly Kevin Williamson actually said this. He followed up saying that Doctors who perform abortions should also be hanged. I am aware that there are nut jobs in this world. I am aware that there are levels of extremism and this guy is probably at the most extreme level you can get however, these statements do not change the fact that this person is deplorable. So much so it makes me sick. The comment stemmed from an article where Williamson wrote in response to Lena Dunhams Here Are the Five Reasons Why I Vote. The Lena Dunham article was part of Planned Parenthood sponsored Women are Watching campaign. Lena Dunham is the creator and actress in the TV show Girls. Mr Williamson was apparently so incensed with this article that he responded with an article entitled Five Reasons Why You're too Dumb to Vote which I won't link to because it makes me want to puke. Google it if you think you can stand it. The display of right wing white male narcissism is unbearable. This ARTICLE quotes it at length and describes how that author turned to twitter to respond to comments about his piece and it is through Twitter that Mr Williamson comes out saying that not only does he think abortion is murder but that it is homicide and women who have abortions should be hanged littlegreenfootballs.com.

This is the same person who has said some of the most offensive and inaccurate statements in the history of saying stupid things:

1. “Can’t wait to launch my Palestine boycott. As soon as they start making something, it’s on.”

2. “Professor Obama? Two daughters. May as well give the guy a cardigan. And fallopian tubes.”

3. “The fictitious rape epidemic is necessary to support the fiction of “rape culture,” by which feminists mean anything other than an actual rape culture … ‘Rape culture’ simply means speech or thought that feminists disapprove of and wish to suppress.”

4. “Regardless of the question of whether he has had his genitals amputated, Cox is not a woman, but an effigy of a woman.”

5. “Of course the law is against Cliven Bundy. … The law was against Mohandas Gandhi, too”

6. “The guy looks remarkably like Snoop Dogg … He glances slyly from side to side, making sure his audience is taking all this in, before raising his palms to his clavicles, elbows akimbo, in the universal gesture of primate territorial challenge.”

The article containing this list written by Elias Isquith of SALON can be found HERE

Yes, the man is clearly psychotic but that doesn't mean that he is alone in his dangerous and horrific views. He wants to hang the 33% of women in this country who have had and will have abortions. It's so pro-life it nearly kills you.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Undercover Colors (or if you rape me I should have been wearing this nail polish)

Getting your nails painted or painting them yourself shouldn't have anything to do with you getting assaulted, am I right? Kind of.

This past week it was announced that four male college students have invented and are in the process of marketing a polish which will change color if it comes in contact with a drink that has been drugged. The company is calling itself UNDERCOVER COLORS. Imagine yourself having a drink at a bar or club and quickly stirring it around with your polished finger nail- if it stays the same color... congratulations- your drink hasn't been drugged. If it changes colors however, your drink has been compromised.

Like its predecessors the anti-rape underwear -AR WEAR- and the RAPEX condom (which may or may not have ever actually come to fruition), this nail polish demonstrates that it is easier for society to come up with devices that further place the responsibility on women to be responsible for not getting raped than it is for us as a society to work on stopping rape itself.

How many times have you heard that a rape victim should've been wearing less reveling clothing? Or that they had too much to drink and therefore bear part of the responsibility for their attack? What about when a women is raped by someone she knows or someone she may even be in a relationship with? Victim blaming isn't a rare occurrence in our society it is the norm. Now some people will respond to this saying something along the lines of "I mean I'm not blaming the women for getting raped BUT -insert thing she should have done differently here-." That is victim blaming. You can say that one has a responsibility to be aware of ones surroundings and or be aware of the potential for danger at every turn and that has a degree of validity to it but even that IS STILL blaming the victim.

Jessica Valenti writes online in this ARTICLE that "The problem is that simply being female in public remains an undue risk. Do we really believe that half the population should be required to avoid parties, socializing, drinking, cute clothes and walking alone if they don’t want to be raped?" She goes on to talk about a quote from Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister who after a cabinet member suggested that women be given a curfew to curb a spate of sexual assault: “But it’s the men who are attacking the women. If there’s to be a curfew, let the men stay home, not the women.”

I don't think we will ever live in a perfect society and I do not consider myself unaware of my own surroundings. I think we are all guilty of victim blaming because it is a deeply entrenched aspect of our society. It is easier for us to feel sorry for the victim and to shake our heads at them in the same sentiment wondering to ourselves: 'what were they wearing, how much did they have to drink?' Obviously the idea of preventing assault and rape is a good one. If a nail polish alerts one to a spiked substance with a fun self detecting color transforming lacquer then I am not entirely against such a thing. But this also creates a business incentive with selling fear for ones safety in a handy liquid coating. For example, besides the Rapex condoms and the modern day chastity underwear we are quietly accepting that men are inherently "bad" or incapable of controlling their urges.

I want to acknowledge that we can't trust people very often in this world and the need to be on guard for ones safety exists and is a serious thing. That doesn't mean that a person should live in fear that being raped will be something that they ultimately chose in the eye of society. Whether the responsibility for not knowing your drink has been spiked because of your nail polish decisions lays with the victim is a moot point after the fact. Be afraid is the message. But be afraid in the name of keeping yourself safe. Oh, and in the name of not being judged a "slut" because you had the misfortune of being a target of a crime. We can do better and we should be doing better than that.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Touching Base (Happy Womens Equality Day)

I am still here. Yes, it has been a month since my last entry. A lot has been going on in the Reproductive Justice world and I cannot pretend that I am keeping up. So instead of not publishing any entries or publishing ones that I haven't put my all into- I am giving you the reader a only slightly compromised post with some current events and random facts and minimal analysis.

Unless you live under a boulder, you've heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS but have you heard of the abortion funding spin on the challenge? Basically it involves eating a taco and or drinking a beer and then donating to an abortion fund. Sound easy enough? CHECK IT OUT

What's the deal with admitting privileges requirements? My original post on the topic can be found HERE, but the truth it has gotten even more complicated since April. The law is being challenged in Louisiana most recently, however, the last two significant cases involving the issue of admitting privileges have both come down against it. In Mississippi, enforcing the law would have shut down the only abortion clinic in the entire state. The judge ruled that it was certainly an "undue burden" and therefore unconstitutional to literally hand off the abortions needed for Mississippi women to another state to take care of. In Alabama, the judge simply ruled that admitting privileges were unnecessary from a medical and logical stand point. So, will Louisiana make itself the third State in a row to finally stop these politically motivated and absolutely unnecessary requirements? I sure hope so.

AFTER TILLER is the documentary film about the late Dr. George Tiller who was assassinated while at church by an anti-choice zealot. This film follows the only four doctors left in the country who openly provide abortions beyond the second trimester of pregnancy, PBS is airing this amazing film on September 1st at 10:00 pm. Check out your local listings and other air times HERE

AND it is Women's Equality DAY! What you can do to celebrate is to look at THIS ARTICLE gives you an update on some of the things we couldn't do back then and the things we still can't do. If anything there's your extra reminder to vote because you are legally allowed to.

Rock on.

Monday, July 28, 2014

I Don't Need Feminism oh wait...

Women Against Feminism is a tumblr account where women send in photographs of themselves with signs stating why they don't need feminism. I first spotted the link on a friends facebook page where she posted it along with a sentiment like "this makes me want to cry." I didn't click on the link as that day I was shielding myself from the things I know upset me- I do that on occasion so that I don't just give up getting out of bed. This morning I saw a spoof on the women agaisnt feminism tumblr called Confused Cats Against Feminism and I had to take a look. It made me laugh because it's really funny but it also made me go and give Women Against Feminism (WAF)a thorough look.

Part of why feminism has a bad rap is because there are things about it that are not perfect. Feminism has many different schools of thought. Put two people who consider themselves feminists together and you won't have identical ideologies. You will have conflicts and you may even have differences at the very core of what these people consider feminist thoughts, ideas and policy. Feminism isn't a easy thing to discuss but I think if we did it more it may become easier. When these women hold up their signs about why they don't need feminism they are clearly referring to many different definitions of feminism, some more accurate then others.

I can't condemn the WAF posters as much as I both 1. disagree with them and 2. am confused by them. I more want to know what their experiences with feminism and feminists have been. I am intensely curious about these women and where they come from.

Feminism is not the problem. We don't know how to live in a world without patriarchy because it has not happened yet; that is the problem. The other problem is that there is no one universal experience for human beings. Everyone is experiencing different realities and that is the only reality that one can speak to- our own. What someone else experiences is not of any more or less value but it is different. Your experience doesn't speak to how the world works entirely...we need everyone's experiences in order to put together a broad picture of how things work, then we can start to ask why.

So when I read these signs that are being held up by predominantly (nearly exclusively) young white women I think about why we might not need feminism anymore. I think these signs however, demonstrate that we as a society need feminism very much. I don't pit myself agaisnt men as a feminist. I also don't think the stereotypes of men and women give credit to us as individual human beings. We are more than our gender though it is a big part of our identity. Issues of class, race and gender are interdisciplinary because they often cannot be separated. There is no one school of thought that identifies and deals with the cross over between the gender we identify with and the life we live. I think society is complex and if these women don't want to identify as feminists than that is their right, they don't have to.

So if you want to laugh a little I would suggest checking out the Cat version of WAF (see link above). If you want to know more and this issue and to think about why these women feel the way they do there are some great articles from both perspectives online- simply google the term women against feminists. If you're finding yourself in a third category like I did though, I suggest you make your own sign about why or why not you need feminism and post it on your tumblr, facebook, twitter or instagram. Mine can be found below.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Eden Foods

It's been two weeks since the SCOTUS handed down the ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and the news since then isn't great. Please see the post prior to this one for a more in depth explanation of the ruling.

Eden Foods is one of the other companies in which the Hobby Lobby decision directly affected prior rulings on plaintiffs arguing the contraceptive mandate.

My personal use of Eden Foods products is pretty straight forward. I used to manage a small, local health food store which carried approximately thirty products from Eden Foods. I regularly bought their soy milk and ordered other products from our distributors. It's organic, non GMO certified and all that other good stuff. I haven't purchased Eden Foods products since I left that job over a year ago and I'm glad I haven't.

While I had the Burwell v Hobby Lobby case on my radar from the onset- it escaped me that Eden Foods was also suing the Department of Health and Human Services. In April 2013, Michael Potter, the companies founder and sole shareholder used the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), to hold that his rights were being violated by the contraceptive mandate. The court disagreed. However, given that the SCOTUS agrees that corporations have religious rights we are to now assume that Mr. Potter can refuse to cover anything contraceptive related. Potter has been a very vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act from the beginning. When responding to the question of why he was suing he stated: “Because I don’t care if the federal government is telling me to buy my employees Jack Daniel’s or birth control. What gives them the right to tell me that I have to do that? That’s my issue, that’s what I object to, and that’s the beginning and end of the story.” This was in an article from April 2013 on Salon.com. (HERE)

Potter is Catholic and unlike the Green's in the Hobby Lobby case, Potter asserts that his beliefs hold that all contraceptives and contraceptive related care are against the Catholic church. In the case of Hobby Lobby, the types of contraceptives were limited to the ones the Greens "believed" to be abortifacients (though they are not). This is a fact that a lot of media sources and individuals are touting as to how the ruling on Hobby Lobby is being incorrectly portrayed as being agaisnt birth control (i.e. "They just don't want to cover the abortion pill!"). Well, just one day after the Hobby Lobby ruling, the SCOTUS broadened the scope of the ruling and clarified that it could include ALL forms of contraceptives- not just the four being objected to by the owners of Hobby Lobby who don't believe in science (MOTHER JONES).

It looks like Michael Potter will get to deny his employees any coverage of contraceptives, regardless of the reasons they seek to use it. Eden Foods has experienced a backlash by those upset over the ruling and while the long term effect has yet to be determined it is possible that the impact on the financial aspect of the company may eventually hold some sway over Potters stance (though I highly doubt it). Petitions have been started asking stores to stop carrying Eden Foods- the big one of course is Whole Foods. You can find that petition here!